Stefania Bouri – Project Education & Volunteers’ Coordinator

Stefania Bouri graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2016. In parallel with her studies, she worked as a volunteer with migrants, refugees and hospitalized children. Since 2016 she works as an Educator for the Greek language in different refugee camps and as a support worker for children with disabilities. In 2019 she cooperated with UNICEF, ELIX, and Solidarity-Now as a co-author of the educational toolkit “Ftou kai Vgainw”. Currently, she is the project education coordinator of the “Meet me” project, which aims to the development of an online platform that provides Arabic-Greek courses for the improvement of refugees’ language skills and free online one to one tutoring with university students. Additionally, she is attending the Master Program “Human Rights and Migration Studies” at the University of Macedonia.

Manar Aeid – Translator, Team Member

Manar is a native of Damascus, Syria. Since 2016, she has lived and worked in Greece, where she is a translator and interpreter between Arabic, English, and Greek at Solidarity Now. In addition, she has worked with journalists and documentary filmmakers, providing translation and cultural mediation services. Manar also teaches Arabic – both Modern Standard and Levantine dialect – to non-native speakers. She currently coproduces and hosts the educational YouTube channel, “Learn Arabic with Manar”, and provides translation services for the digital platform “Meet Me”.

Georgia Mitrousi – Teacher, Team Member

Georgia Mitrousi is a Greek teacher, she graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from the department of Greek Philology. She was a private tutor for elementary school children. She worked as educator and creator of activities, educational material and fairy tales for refugee children in an organization in Sicily (EVS project). She is currently working as a Creator of Educational Material for the Digital platform of the “Meet me”project.

Stefanos Katsoulis – Project Manager

Stefanos Katsoulis is a PhD student at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. He is the Director of Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO. He has acquired significant experience in management and coordination of ERASMUS+ (KA1 and KA2) and INTERREG projects. He is the Project academic coordinator of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Project “Strategies and Policies on Youth in the European Union” (621303-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPJMO-PROJECT) implemented by Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO. Administrative associate at the Postgraduate Programme (MA) in Human Rights and Migration Studies of the University of Macedonia. In addition, he is a researcher and administrative assistant of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “European Constitutionalism and Religion” of the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2018-2021). In the past he was employed as a project coordinator in various organisations implementing projects dealing with human rights issues.